This guide aims to provide an overview of SORA, its requirements, mandatory obligations, community management, and the consequences of breaching an order.
Please find below a range of articles written by our team of specialist defence lawyers. These articles are written in plain language and a deliberate attempt was made by each author to avoid legalistic language and terminology as much as possible in the drafting process.
The information in our articles is intended to answer day-to-day questions and provide the immediate and practical information that experience tells us our clients or their family and friends need.
Have we missed anything you think might help others? Send us a note on our contact us page and we will happily add it to our collection.
Restitution, compensation, and forfeiture orders are legal mechanisms employed to address financial aspects of criminal offenses.
When defending a criminal matter, particularly in a trial before a jury or contested hearing, selecting the right barrister can significantly impact the outcome of your case.
Diversion is a program offered by the Victorian Magistrates’ Court that allows certain offenders to avoid a criminal record by diverting them away from the formal court process.
Dealing with an intervention order application can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. However, it’s essential to understand your rights and the legal process involved.
This guide aims to provide parents and guardians with essential information on navigating the Children’s Court system, understanding what is unique to this jurisdiction, and how to prepare a child for court proceedings.Â